On the first page you can see that again I have positioned the test in such a way to make your eyes glued across the screen. With the text and the swirls working together, it really creates a lot of movement within the page and I think it flows extremely well. Again I have put the text in a way that looks like the character is speaking and thats the text that comes out. On the second page, I have added another character without autism so the reader can clearly see the contrast between the two types of people. I have changed the colour of the person with autism as I really wanted to show that two people can get on really well, they can be friends, no matter what disorder is getting in the way. This is why I have also included the text, so the two characters can be different together. Both of these pages have minimalistic backgrounds and I again chose this so the emphasis is on the characters. I really like the second page, and how I have the two characters sat there watching the sun and the world go bye. I think it is a very nice ending to the book as it will show people with autism that everything will be alright in the end.