Battling with ideas for this brief, I am finding it quite hard to find a starting point. I’m not sure how I want to layout my website, what colours I want to use or how I am going to design my logo. One thing I know for sure is how to make my business card. I was having a look at some unique, interesting yet simple business card ideas and I have thought of a very cool idea.
For the business card I am going with the temporary tattoo idea as this ties in directly with the company I am rebranding. It will be a very unique business card, one that will make a name for the company itself. And obviously it is going to be something to remember, after all it will be on potential clients skin for a couple of weeks.
I have found a website where I can buy sheets of tattoo paper to print on, from there I can print my design, cut it up and make several business cards that will leave a lasting print. For my design, I am going to keep it quite simple. Obviously I need to put the name and the location of the tattoo parlour so potential clients know where to go to get an awesome tattoo. But I want to keep these bits quite small and have the rest of the business card making up a cool tattoo- so clients can see what they would look like with a tattoo, and to show off the amazing work of High Seas Ink.
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